
New to CPSA or returning? Whichever the case, find our most utilized resources below. From buying and selling textbooks, uniform information and more. How can the CPSA PSG help?

CPSA Marketplace

CPSA has its own marketplace for buying and selling textbooks and more. Visit the marketplace here.

  • Commonly Asked Questions

    • Where can I find my child’s list of textbooks (Junior High/High School)?

      • You should have received an email from an administrator highlighting which textbooks you will need to purchase and which may be provided by the school. Look out for this email closer to the beginning of the school year.

    • Do elementary students need to purchase textbooks?

      • No, they do not need to purchase textbooks. If a supplemental resource is needed such as a workbook, the teacher will provide more information as needed.

Elementary Uniforms

To purchase elementary uniforms, please visit the school’s vendor here. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the uniform guidelines as provided by the school including acceptable footwear and gym uniform.

JHHS Uniforms


To purchase uniforms for JHHS girls, please visit:

Diana’s Fashions
10730 S Harlem Ave
Worth, IL 60482


To purchase uniforms for JHHS boys, please visit the school’s vendor here.


PlusPortals is utilized for a variety of resources including communication between parent and teachers. It includes a full directory of emails for each teacher associated with your child’s learning. It also hosts important documents including summer packets, permission slips, hot lunch menu and more throughout the year.

Please visit PlusPortals CPSA here.